General Contractor for large-scale projects

Vitali Infrastructure SpA: your General Contractor for large-scale projects

Roads, motorways, airports, railways, viaducts, bridges and tunnels.

Vitali Group is capable of building all types of mobility and transport infrastructures both in Italy and worldwide. Acting as General Contractor, intervening from the planning phase to the completion of the project.

A company capable of combining high levels of technological innovation with the experience of three generations of building tradition.

Recognition by public administrations and large private clients have made Vitali group the most reliable partner, capable of meeting deadlines, time frames and set budgets.

Vitali Group philosophy

The company philosophy uses quality and continuous research as a guideline for every choice, offering clients cutting-edge solutions for the construction of infrastructures. Our business strategy is based on an overall vision and global approach: Vitali S.p.A. relies on a team of engineers, designers, specialised workers in the infrastructure works sector, as well as a heterogeneous fleet of latest generation machinery and advanced technologies. The application of this global approach strategy makes it possible to immediately identify and achieve the objectives, thanks to the coordination of the entire team.

Leader in roads and motorways construction

Road construction requires a high level of specialisation, appropriate equipment and skilled labour. Vitali S.p.A. has a team reflecting these characteristics and offering an experience gained through the completion of previous road and motorway projects, such as the recent construction of a section of Bre.Be.Mi, outer east ring road (TEEM), Pedemontana Lombarda and the construction of the fourth lane on the A4 motorway, just to name a few. In road and motorway construction, the company implements the best solutions to minimise environmental impact and to ensure maximum safety while working without disrupting the traffic flow.